Union Mine FFA
There are many conventions and conferences you can attend!
Sacramento leadership experience (sle)
State level
Where: Sacramento, CA
When: TBD
Who: Seniors
What: Students step into the role of one of California's State Legislators, are assigned a specific California district and spend four days getting to discuss, debate, and move bills based on agriculture, environment, food and education!!
Greenhand Leadership conference (sle)
State level
Where: TBD
When: TBD
Who: Freshmen
What: This conference leads students through self-discovery of talents, interests and personal characteristics to start them down the road of uncovering their passions in life. Through GLC, students will be emerged in the Who, Why, What, Where, How and Impact of Agricultural Education.
Made for excelence (MFE)
Advanced Leadership Academy(ALA)
State level
Where: TBD
When: TBD
Who: Sophomores & Juniors
What: Dance and overnight trip
MFE: During this conference, sophomores will discover how to best work on a team in order to achieve a common goal.
ALA: Juniors explore the truth about leadership & the influence an individual can have and find themselves.